Hair Restauration / Loss

Before / After

Intensification of hair in frontal gulf zones and micrografting at the crown of the head.

Before / After micrografting

Micrografting of the anterior vertex associated with a reduction of hair in the frontal gulf zones.

Before / After micrografting

Ultra micrografting - a specific transplantation technique performed at the Champs-Elysées Clinique through the use of a fine blade.

Avant - Before / After micrografting

Intensification of hair along the anterior vertex and the crown.

Before / After micrografting

Female hair restoration is slower but just as successful as that of males. For women of color, a technique slightly altered from that used with white women has been tested and found to produce excellent results.

Before / After micrografting

Before / After micrografting

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+33 (0) 1 47 20 37 11

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75008 PARIS